Journal Entries
Journal #1: Below is my first ever assignment in this class where I wrote about my experience if visiting Central Park for the first time.

Journal #2: The second and last journal entry required me to think about a marginal world that I have been in, so I wrote about how being in a swamp forest one really gave me a feeing of stepping back and forth to two alternate universe.

Discussion Board Questions
Discussion board questions were weekly homework assignments from this class that counts towards the participation grade as 5% of the final grade. This task basically asked students to do some readings about rhetorical tools and writing strategies. Here are the seven discussion board tasks that we were assigned this semester.
Discussion #1: The Rhetorical Situation (9/2)

Discussion #2: Audience (9/16)

Discussion #3: Style and Mindset

Discussion #4: Body Paragraph (10/7)

Discussion #5: Classical Argument (10/21)

Discussion #6: Organization Schema and Logical Reasoning (10/28)

Discussion #7: Synthesizing Ideas (11/13)

Paper #1
This draft was a unfinished version of the essay that we were supposed to do, email it to the professor and have a peer review on it during the class. The professor mentioned all the errors to fix, highlighted them, made a suggestion and also wrote his comments and what to improve on.

The essay asked us to write about our memorable experience in nature in detail and connect our stories to address environmental issues that the planet is currently dealing with. I saw the paper as an elaboration to the journal entries where I narrate my own story and where I let myself get lost in nature. So, I talked about Central Park again with more depths and tried to address how creating parks in busy cities can help balance cities’ ecosystems.
Paper #2
My initial draft of the exploratory essay was well out of focused. I wasn’t evaluating the sources correctly although my writing had potential and the professor emailed me back mentioning all these problems that I needed to work on.

Exploratory essay required students to raise a debatable question on their subtopics and analyze specialists’ point of view to talk about the problem that helps form their own conclusion on the issue. My subtopic was “how climate affects water scarcity” and I found out three major ways climate affects water scarcity but “which is the deadliest” was debatable and hence I explored expertise’ claims and findings concluded that sea level rise is the deadliest way climate affects water scarcity.
Paper #3
The draft of my research paper was very poor. I think the goal of completing the draft was to show my knowledge of APA styles and formatting which I failed to meet. I didn’t have my fonts an font size right, I barely followed any convention of APA styles and I had a lot of pages empty in my paper. I also didn’t know how to list my tables and figures and did the table of contents very wrong.

My final research paper was able to correct all the mistakes from my draft as I was able to capture a deep knowledge of APA styled scientific research paper and formatted accordingly. I built a proper thesis saying that deforestation, sea level rise and water pollution are three primary ways climate affects water scarcity. I also gathered enough credible sources to reference in order to support my reasoning in the paper.